
The workshop will be held in Tõravere, at the premises of Tartu Observatory, an Estonian space centre whose main task is research and development. Tartu Observatory is located at Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere, 61602 Tartu maakond, Estonia (see map below), about 20 km from Tartu.

Transportation between Tartu and Tõravere will be organised for participants.

Virtual tour of the observatory can be found here.

Astrophysical observatory instruments in Tõravere include:

1.5 m mirror telescope AZT-12 with a long-slit spectograph in the Cassegrain focus, providing spectral resolution of R~ 100 to 12000.

0.6 m mirror telescope Zeiss-600 for photometric observations with a CCD photometer equipped with Johnson-Cousins UBVRI filters.

0.3 m automatic robotic telescope Planewave CDK 12.5 with a CCD photometer equipped with Johnson-Cousins BVRI, narrow-band Ha, and Luminance filters.